Join the Bridge for Heroes for a guided tour around the World War II Air Raid Shelters at Tuesday Market Place on 8th September 10am-4pm...
The Bridge for Heroes visits Muckleburgh Military Collection

The Bridge for Heroes visits Muckleburgh Military Collection

A visit was organised on the 19th August for beneficiaries of the Bridge For Heroes to the Muckleburgh Military Collection. The purpose of the visit was to both get veterans out of their homes for the day with their peers and to also look into the possibility of doing some voluntary community work for the Museum which houses probably the best collection of military vehicles and equipment in the Eastern region.

The 12 who attended were met on arrival by the owner Sir Michael Savory who welcomed them to the Museum and after giving a short brief on the history of the site, went on to discuss the task of repainting the Harrier GR1 on display with which he could do with assistance.

From there the group were given a guided tour of the Collection by Bridge Volunteer, Gary Walker who have been involved with the museum since its inception.

Muckleburgh Visit 1

The many exhibits were described although some were very familiar to those on the tour having been equipped with the kit when in service. A stop for lunch was made in the museum café where all sampled the excellent homemade cakes after which the tour concluded with a visit to the outside anti-aircraft gun pits.

Muckleburgh Visit 3

It looks like we are all set now to continue with the activity by helping out with restoration, starting with the Harrier GR1.

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The Bridge for Heroes
52a South Clough Lane
King’s Lynn
PE30 1SE

01553 760230

QAVS Main Emblem with MBE Stamp

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